Viscera Trail - Playing With Acid

Tide down to the floor
Cry as I drip small drops of acid
On your stomach
Slowly you're opening wide
Oh dear, oh my
What a way to die
Every drop of pain
Inwards dripping through your flesh
Penetrating and consuming
Created a hole inside you

Slowly the hole grows
Irreversible damage has been made
You can fell death approaching
Yet it seems so far away
When will it end
I'm enjoying every second
Acid deforms your carnal structures
You're so fat it only got to your liver

Reaching digging to your spine
You are amazing! Such disfigurement
I wish you could have stayed alive right now and see it yourself
Visceral stew served in a body
Feces bursting slowly skin melt down
Chunky and grotesque liquefied chest
Rib cage exposed i shit inside my human toilet!

I have a corpse
And you can see right through it
The corpse's hole looks good to fuck
But cause it's a guy I won't do it
Acid is great attraction
You can do many stuff with it
The pain! The thrill! Man this is fun!

My legs melting
My face dripping
Eyes are pouring
My stomach, a puddle of guts
Visceral stew served in a body
Feces bursting slowly skin melt down
Chunky and grotesque liquefied chest
Rib cage exposed i shit inside my human toilet